The Committee of the “Best PhD students” Contest, organised by the Director of the Nencki Institute, Professor Agnieszka Dobrzyn and PhD Student Council, has announced the list of laureates: Justyna WiśniewskaLaura Turos-KorgulAlicja OlszewskaZuzanna SamselŁukasz BijochThe winners were honored for their achievements with the Director’s Award. We congratulate all the laureates wishing them further academic success!Continue reading
Category: Laboratory of Neuronal Plasticity
Stypendium Prezesa PAN dla Łukasza Bijocha
Mgr Łukasz Bijoch, doktorant studiów doktoranckich Instytutu Nenckiego w Pracowni Plastyczności Neuronalnej, kierowanej przez dr Annę Beroun, został wyróżniony stypendium Prezesa PAN za wybitne osiągnięcia.
Scholarship of the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences for Łukasz Bijoch
Łukasz Bijoch, M.Sc., a doctoral student at the Nencki Institute in the Laboratory of Neuronal Plasticity, headed by Dr Anna Beroun, was awarded the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences scholarship for outstanding achievements.